Dial a Driver.ae is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of all the personal information of its users. This privacy policy sets out how we will treat your personal information. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.
Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website www.DialaDriver.ae. This includes information
provided at the time of registration to use our site, subscribing to our service, subscribing to our newsletters or
alerts, posting material or requesting further services.
Information about your computer and about your visits to and use of the website resources (which may include information about your IP address,
geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit and page views)
Information supplied whilst filling any lead or application forms for third party products by filling forms on our website or by following a hyperlink on our website.
Information that you provide when entering a prize, competition or promotion on the website or provide to us to enable fulfilment of any prize won by you.
(Which may include your postal address.)Information provided when you contact or correspond with us and from any research surveys,
testimonials and feedback you may have completed / provided on our website
When you visit DialaDriver.ae, we may collect technical and navigational information, such as operating system type, browser type,
IP address, pages visited and average time spent on our website.
Dial a Driver may set and access cookies on your computer to track and store preferential information about you.